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7 Simple Steps to be the Champion of Change!

7 simple steps to enjoy our unpredictable journeys (underlined words/phrases are links to extra help):

  • Pay attention to how your body reacts to any change or challenge. Our bodies are genetically engineered for fight or flight responses to living in an unpredictable life in the wild. Unfortunately, the resistance backfires in this fast changing world creating anxiety. What's that quote about the only thing that's constant is change? I wanted to run away to a monastery when summer vacation started since my schedule (and so my peace) got thrown out the window.

  • It's actually more productive to accept and respond with a calm mind. Goals and dreams don't have to be abandoned but can be incorporated and embraced into the new normal. Instead of stressing about the transition, if we patiently observe and grab the opportunities that present themselves, we can avoid a lot of heartbreak. Did you know video games are a great baby sitter (wink wink)? So are play dates, camps, pool time and night time.

  • Prioritize your tasks and goals on a daily or weekly basis, weeding out any unnecessary ones, re-prioritizing existing ones. I deliberately planned to scale down my work to spend more time with my fast growing kids and adjust to the activities. But some days I let them watch a lot of TV, a LOT. Please don't forward this to the parenting police.

  • Keep track of your progress and celebrate small successes regularly. A stroll in fresh air after a stressful task (read tantrums), a chat with a non-judgmental friend or a Dove dark chocolate after a challenging call/meeting (meal negotiations) is free therapy too.

  • If you feel like procrastination, reflect on some intrinsic motivation. Consider what you will lose, if you don't make progress on it. The lemon scented candle in my kitchen reminds me of how far I have come and why I got started on this path. I also know that I will need more money for camp next year :))

  • If you feel you have fallen off track or need to refresh your energy, reflect on your motivation. Some days just don't go as planned but I have realized that dwelling and wallowing in self-pity makes my weight scale dial "wrong" numbers so the faster I get back

on again, the better.

  • And in the end, breaks can rejuvenate and re-energize us towards our big and small dreams. Let go of the guilt when taking a few minutes or even a few weeks off. Playing hard makes us work harder too. Have a mini vacation over a cup of your favorite tea or a piece of chocolate. Hey, who said you can't take a break and celebrate at the same time?

My examples might sound too simplistic but I hope I got the point across.

Wishing you happy travels, physical and otherwise.



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