Spring Cleaning our physical clutter & mental chatter!

In North America, spring is a time of cleaning our homes after the long winter. Other areas of the world have similar traditions at other times of the year, based around the culture and weather.
In the past few years, my priorities have been shifting and thankfully, grounding. But I have realized how much physical & mental clutter (and calories) I have accumulated over the years. It weighs very heavily on me and slows me down mentally and physically!
To escape the physical stuff, we can always run away from home! Out of sight, out of mind!! HA HA HA! Easier said than done :)
"Does it bring you joy?" strategy to decluttering is a proven strategy to get rid of things and I have to say, it works for me!

I do have to make peace with the physical clutter by having the self-compassion to understand WHY I have accumulated so much physical stuff in the first place! So here it goes: In my adopted country of 4 separate seasons, as a family with two adults and two kids of different genders, ages and interests all with differing needs :) trying to find their place in the world. Plus, having lived in a 4 bedroom detached house for almost 15 years now, it's no wonder we filled up our home. Thank the Good God we don't have a basement :))

The mental clutter is a beast of it's own! Every small matter I was sensitive to, over the years, come back to haunt and taunt me! "Why did someone say this or do that? What are they trying to prove? Let'em try it again!" The mental chatter of blame and regrets goes on and on, spiraling into a rabbit hole.
Talking to a non-judgmental friend has been my best help. Just hearing myself out, lightens the load. Non-judgmental listening is one of the pillars of coaching skills, so I have to do the talking often myself for me to move on. When I feel heard, I feel accepted, making it easier for me to shift from the negative frame of mind.

Using self-compassion again, I make peace by accepting that I did REACT, personally, to a lot of situations especially when I was super busy with a full time IT job AND 2 kids under 10.
I have learned to RESPOND intelligently now, understanding that people will perceive the situations from their point of view, based on their life experiences, and act accordingly no matter, what I say or do! WHEWWW! What a load off my back that was once I started paying attention!!
But changing 40 year old habits are not easy and I have to watch my monkey mind from wandering off. Exhausting but not impossible! Anyone up for mind, body AND SOUL cleanse?

And let's not get started on the calories this time! I do have the list from self-compassion, and it's exactly the same as above! It's a good start I guess (SIGH!)!
For those who like to go the entire mile, Ayruveda encourages an internal digestive cleanse as well. Good Luck :)
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